Almost in all the real estate transactions, you will need a real estate agent or broker to make the transaction successful. Some real estate deals can be done by yourself if you can give the effort to make the deals successful. But you can’t make deals successful with every real estate agent. Because all the agents out there is not perfect for you so, you have to find yourself who will suit you. There will be a time when you will be thinking to fire your real estate agent. At that time you don’t have to be dramatic to fire your real estate agent.

See When to fire your real estate agent

Now let’s come to the point of the procedure to fire your real estate agent.

How to fire your real estate agent?

When you will feel that you can’t go further with your real estate agent and you are not satisfied with the outcome of this agent then you need to fire your agent. But the question is how you will fire your real estate agent and what the procedure is. As I’m not a lawyer so I won’t be able to give any legal advice to you. A mutual agreement will be the best option for you and your real estate agent to get rid of this problem easily.

Cancel Listing Contract

  • The first thing you should do is to tell your agent to dismiss the listing contract. But you need to be careful about the safety clause of Exclusive Right-to-Sell listing.
  • You have to contact the broker organization if your agent doesn’t cancel the listing.
  • You can also ask the broker institute to replace your agent with another one if your present agent is not suitable for you. Almost all the institutes will agree with you to maintain the best relationship with the community.
  • If you are facing problems with your agent while firing then you can get hire a real estate lawyer to get termination support. But you have to inform the broker organization to do that.

Dismissing Buyer’s Agency Contract

To cancel agency agreement you need to get a form named Termination of Buyer Agency.